
African Fashion on a Budget- How to Slay on a Low Budget

Do you know you can slay without breaking the bank?

Yes, you can be a slay queen or king on a budget!

We know times are hard, and the ever-rising inflation is not helping matters. Your bills keep piling, and your job isn’t paying well enough. With all these wahala, looking good is the last thing on your mind.

We understand adulting is hard, but you don’t have to look like what you’re going through. Yes, you can look fabulous while having a bad day. And who says you have to spend a fortune to look good? Oh, please! Don’t fall for that illusion. 

Whatever your earning capacity, you can slay on a low budget while maintaining a frugal lifestyle. Don’t you agree?

Oya, come. 

Let’s show you how you can dress better for less. 

1. Create a Budget

This is the first rule for slaying on a low budget. If you don’t create a budget, you may get lost in the shopping euphoria and spend your next year’s rent on clothes.

Take a minute to list the things you need and how much you can spend on them. This will give you a benchmark for pricing and limit your spending. You can also create a fixed amount from your monthly earnings on your fashion needs. You can call it a wardrobe allowance.

2. Buy the Essentials

Do you still remember what you were taught in Economics about opportunity cost? 

Oh! We forgot we were one of the noisemakers in class. 

Okay, let’s break this now in the simplest terms. When preparing your wardrobe budget, take stock of your wardrobe, and create a list of items you must prioritise and the ones you can forgo. If you have little money to spend, prioritise only the essentials. 

Buy according to your needs, not wants. If an item is not absolutely necessary, don’t add it to the list. This is not the time to buy on impulse. Leave that for the sunny days when you have enough money to enjoy. Open your phone memo now and start writing that list.

Also, before buying any item on your list, do a mental check of your wardrobe to find out if it’s the right fit for your wardrobe and fashion style. Before buying a new t-shirt, blouse, skirt, or trousers, do a mental check to know if it matches any item in your wardrobe. Can you pair it with another outfit? If not, it’s not worth the cash. At least, not at this time.

3. Buy More for Less

Suppose you’re one of those who don’t bargain when shopping; repent today! Haggling never killed anyone. If anything, it helps you save money. It may look like a little price difference, but that small change will come in handy. 

So, to slay a low budget, learn how to bargain and haggle prices. Whether you’re shopping inside or outside the country, don’t just buy at the asking price. Pay less for more, and save your money.

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4. Patronise Locally Made Products

Wearing designer labels and foreign brands is not the only way to look classy and fashionable. If you want to dress like a fashionista without emptying your wallet, develop an interest in locally made fabrics and clothing items. Yes! Patronise products made in your home country. You’d be surprised to find that they are cheaper and more durable.

5. Shop Thrifts

If you’re looking for quality, cheap clothing, thrift shops are your sure bet. The best part is you won’t have to worry about bumping into someone wearing the same outfit because thrift clothes are unique.

When buying thrift clothing, shop for items that can last a thousand wash. Look out for the ones that won’t fade or tear quickly. Yes, that dress or jeans is lovely, but how will it look after a wash? Except you don’t have plans of wearing it twice, always buy pieces that can stand the taste of time.

6. Shop Vintage

You can never go wrong with Vintage because they are forever classic. You can look effortlessly classy and simple in vintage shirts and shorts. They are unique inexpensive pieces.

7. Target Trade & Fashion Fairs

Trade and fashion fairs are golden opportunities that only come once in a blue moon. You get the chance to buy a wide range of products at super affordable rates. There are many assorted options, and you can even bargain if you’re not satisfied with the price.  

Quick advice, when going to a trade fair, leave your debit card at home and go with just cash, especially if you know you can’t resist the buying temptation. Trust us; you’ll be tempted to throw your budget out of the window.

In addition to trade fairs, some designers and store owners do clearance sales and other promotional activities during certain seasons. Look out for opportunities like that and save yourself some money. 

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8. Invest in Pros

Props are fashion pieces that make your outfit pop. It could be something as simple as a purse, sunglasses, jewellery, scarf, candy shoes, fur, or leather jacket. We call them the look lifters. 

If you don’t want to be cut unfresh on your lean budget, invest in props that will make you look like a fashionable money bag. They are not essential clothing items but have a way of taking your look from zero to 100 in split seconds. Amazing, right? 

9. Take Care of Your Fabric

If you cannot afford to shop, please do well to take care of the clothes you have. You can mix and match the clothes you have already and wear them with great panache. That’s why you must handle them with care. 

Watch how you wash your clothes, especially clothing items like jeans, which stretch and fade with constant washing. Also, take note of clothes that should be air-dried, not left under direct sunlight or rain. Use fabric conditioners as often as you can when doing your laundry. 

10. Resew/Redesign Old Clothes

Remember, you’re conserving funds. So, this is not the time to throw clothes away. Instead, if you feel a cloth is outdated, remould them into something new. 

You can repurpose old denim trousers into shorts. You can also repurpose an old dress into a shirt. If done by a professional, you won’t know the difference. That is the beauty of fashion. You can check out some of our design collections for ideas. 


Slaying on a budget isn’t so hard after all. The rules are simple; create a budget, pay less for more quantity and quality, do the best with what you have, and slay effortlessly with your budget intact.

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